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000293_owner-lightwave-l _Mon Aug 8 07:33:50 1994.msg
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Date: Mon, 8 Aug 94 07:43:25 -0600
From: Steve Koren <koren@hpfcogv.fc.hp.com>
Message-Id: <9408081343.AA05059@hpfcogv.fc.hp.com>
To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
Subject: Crashes (was: Re: CrR)
X-Phase-Of-Moon: the moon is waxing crescent (2% illuminated)
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Sender: owner-lightwave-l@netcom.com
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Reply-To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
> > one problem. I loadin in a big scene that i have been created at
> > work for this game im doing. Whet to press render and BOOM
> > CRASH.. all it said on the
> will tell you in bytes how much RAM you need. If you do not have enough
> memory left over for the frame buffer, LW will tell you. What hapened to
> you is that you had just enough memory to allocate the frame buffer, but
> not enough to allocate the RGB buffer. LW probably didn't have any memory
> left to even bring up a requester to tell you.
On the other hand, I have had LW crash when I have plenty of memory
left. I can induce a crash 100% of the time by rendering a particular
object I have been modeling which has about 8000 points and 6000
polygons. But I still have well over 8 Mb of fast RAM free when LW
starts drawing to the render screen. The bug appears to be related to
transparency maps, because:
1) If I turn the transparency maps OFF, then the image renders OK, but
in the process LW corrupts the system memory pool such that any
further process attempting an AllocMem() crashes the system. This
of course makes the system unusable and I have to reboot after
every single render.
2) If I turn the transparency maps ON, then the system crashes
immediately upon beginning to render (once again with lots of free
In other (non-render) repects, Layout has been perfectly stable for me.
I have also seen the Modeler get *very* flaky with large objects,
particularly if one has been doing operations such as rail extrusions.
(Once again not a RAM problem). Certain things will always lock up or
crash the modeler - for example, if I use the wedge or toroid ARexx
scripts, and then immediately hit the "a" key to recenter the view, LW
locks up (but does not crash). I get lots of crashes when moving
sections of large objects interactively.
So basically, the original poster may in fact have been out of memory,
or he may have been running into something else.
(I've sent the crash-inducing object to Allen, so hopefully he'll take a
look to see what is going on. Also I sent him some enforcer log output,
since LW gets a whole pile of enforcer hits on my system. Some Mungwall
checking couldn't hurt either. I suspect there are some malloc errors
lurking in there somewhere).
- steve